Baseball Cap

by Sandra Mangan

David was very particular about his baseball caps.

They had to have a ‘just so’ peak and very little in the way of a logo. He also couldn’t see the sense of wearing the damn thing backwards. A traditionalist, that was my David.

David’s  Skipper has pride of place on the coat rack in my new home – one of many items I have kept that mean so much to me

So when he craned a boat into our front yard (a story for another time) and he began the laborious job of restoring it, I looked long and hard for a cap that would fit the occasion.

The Skipper hat was perfect. Good wide brim, dark colours, just the single word on the front. As he sat on the back of his boat in the yard, enjoying the sunshine in between repairing the engine or whatever the task was for that day, it was clear his mind was elsewhere – out on the waves, enjoying the freedom and thrills of sailing.

It wasn’t to be, but as I look at the hat, now hanging in pride of place on my coat rack, I think back to happy times and ponder upon the power of dreams.

Sail away my love, there’s a fair wind.

David, wearing his favourite cap in his beloved Ireland – my last image of him, taken less than 2 weeks before he died

(Copyright: Sandra Mangan, 2022)

Twitter: @SandraMangan_


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